
List of my publications in reversed chronological order, generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Generating Synthetic Power Grids Using Exponential Random Graph Models
    F. Giacomarra, G. Bet, and A. Zocca
    PRX Energy, Jun 2024
  2. Sailing through uncertainty: ship pipe routing and the energy transition
    B.T. Markhorst, J. Berkhout, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    International Marine Design Conference, May 2024
  3. Pricing Uncertainty in Stochastic Multi-Stage Electricity Markets
    L. Werner, N. Christianson, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    In 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), May 2024
  4. Uncovering Load-Altering Attacks Against \(N-1\,\) Secure Power Grids: A Rare-Event Sampling Approach
    M.P. Goodridge, S. Lakshminarayana, and A. Zocca
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, May 2024


  1. Critical configurations of the hard-core model on square grid graphs
    S. Baldassarri, V. Jacquier, and A. Zocca
    Submitted to Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2023
  2. Future-proof ship pipe routing: navigating the energy transition
    B.T. Markhorst, J. Berkhout, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    Submitted to Ocean Engineering, Dec 2023
  3. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Power Grid Topology Optimization
    E. Sar, A. Zocca, and S. Bhulai
    Submitted to PSCC 2024, Oct 2023
  4. Mixed-integer linear programming approaches for tree partitioning of power networks
    L. Lan, and A. Zocca
    Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Aug 2023
  5. Ising model on clustered networks: A model for opinion dynamics
    S. Baldassarri, A. Gallo, V. Jacquier, and 1 more author
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Aug 2023
  6. Adaptive Network Response to Line Failures in Power Systems
    C. Liang, L. Guo, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Mar 2023
  7. Analysis of Cascading Failures Due to Dynamic Load-Altering Attacks
    M.P. Goodridge, A. Zocca, and S. Lakshminarayana
    In 2023 IEEE SmartGridComm, Mar 2023


  1. Hopping between distant basins
    M.P. Goodridge, J. Moriarty, J. Vogrinc, and 1 more author
    Journal of Global Optimization, Mar 2022
  2. Interface Networks for Failure Localization in Power Systems
    C. Liang, A. Zocca, S.H. Low, and 1 more author
    In 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), Sep 2022
  3. RangL: A Reinforcement Learning Competition Platform
    V. Zobernig, R.A. Saldanha, H. Jinke, and 12 more authors
    Technical report on the RangL platform and the 2022 competition "Pathways to Netzero", Jul 2022
  4. Weighted Dyck paths and nonstationary queues
    G. Bet, J. Selen, and A. Zocca
    Stochastic Models, Jan 2022


  1. A Metropolis-class sampler for targets with non-convex support
    J. Moriarty, J. Vogrinc, and A. Zocca
    Statistics and Computing, Sep 2021
  2. Line Failure Localization of Power Networks Part I: Non-Cut Outages
    L. Guo, C. Liang, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Sep 2021
  3. Line Failure Localization of Power Networks Part II: Cut Set Outages
    L. Guo, C. Liang, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Sep 2021
  4. Large fluctuations in locational marginal prices
    T. Nesti, J. Moriarty, A. Zocca, and 1 more author
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Jun 2021
  5. A Spectral Representation of Power Systems with Applications to Adaptive Grid Partitioning and Cascading Failure Localization
    A. Zocca, C. Liang, L. Guo, and 2 more authors
    Work in progress, Jun 2021
  6. Optimization of Stochastic Lossy Transport Networks and Applications to Power Grids
    A. Zocca, and B. Zwart
    Stochastic Systems, Mar 2021
  7. An integrated approach for failure mitigation & localization in power systems
    C. Liang, L. Guo, A. Zocca, and 3 more authors
    Electric Power Systems Research, Jan 2021
    Presented at the 21st Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2020)


  1. Mitigating Cascading Failures via Local Responses
    C. Liang, F. Zhou, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    In 2020 IEEE SmartGridComm, Nov 2020


  1. Tunneling behavior of Ising and Potts models in the low-temperature regime
    F.R. Nardi, and A. Zocca
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Nov 2019
  2. Less is More: Real-time Failure Localization in Power Systems
    L. Guo, C. Liang, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    In 2019 IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec 2019
  3. Tunneling of the hard-core model on finite triangular lattices
    A. Zocca
    Random Structures & Algorithms, Dec 2019
  4. Temporal starvation in multi-channel CSMA networks: An analytical framework
    A. Zocca
    Queueing Systems, Dec 2019


  1. Failure Localization in Power Systems via Tree Partitions
    L. Guo, C. Liang, A. Zocca, and 2 more authors
    In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec 2018
  2. Frequency violations from random disturbances: an MCMC approach
    J. Moriarty, J. Vogrinc, and A. Zocca
    In 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec 2018
  3. Low-temperature behavior of the multicomponent Widom–Rowlison model on finite square lattices
    A. Zocca
    Journal of Statistical Physics, Dec 2018
  4. Emergent Failures and Cascades in Power Grids: A Statistical Physics Perspective
    T. Nesti, A. Zocca, and B. Zwart
    Phys. Rev. Lett., Jun 2018


  1. Line failure probability bounds for power grids
    T. Nesti, A. Zocca, and B. Zwart
    In 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Jul 2017


  1. Hitting Time Asymptotics for Hard-Core Interactions on Grids
    F.R. Nardi, A. Zocca, and S.C. Borst
    Journal of Statistical Physics, Jul 2016
  2. Minimizing heat loss in DC networks using batteries
    A. Zocca, and B. Zwart
    In 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sep 2016
  3. On the Interactions Between Multiple Overlapping WLANs Using Channel Bonding
    B. Bellalta, A. Checco, A. Zocca, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Feb 2016


  1. Spatio-temporal dynamics of random-access networks: An interacting particle approach
    A. Zocca
    Eindhoven University of Technology, Dec 2015
    PhD Thesis in Mathematics
  2. Slow transitions and starvation in dense random-access networks
    A. Zocca, S.C. Borst, and J.S.H. Leeuwaarden
    Stochastic Models, Dec 2015


  1. Throughput analysis in CSMA/CA networks using continuous time Markov networks: A tutorial
    B. Bellalta, A. Zocca, C. Cano, and 3 more authors
    In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Dec 2014


  1. Delay performance in random-access grid networks
    A. Zocca, S.C. Borst, J.S.H. Leeuwaarden, and 1 more author
    Performance Evaluation, Oct 2013


  1. Mixing Properties of CSMA Networks on Partite Graphs
    A. Zocca, S.C. Borst, and J.S.H. Leeuwaarden
    In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS), Oct 2012